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[CP 305 CD] Lucien Goethals, Karel Goeyvaerts,; Van Snorhout Tot Synthesizer [C66]

Creel Pone

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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June 2024; The third (this series is really trucking along! Response has been great!) in this contemporary Creel Pone "Tape" sub-series covers this amazing 1980 set of works for "Synthesizer" by Lucien Goethals ("Polyfonium II/80"; realised at IPEM, 1980) & Karel Goeyvaerts ("Honneurs Funèbres À La Tête Musicale D'Orphée"; live recording BRT-3, 1978.) as issued by the "Interprovinciale Cultuurraad Voor Vlaanderen : Produktie Openbaar Kunstbezit" ("Interprovincial Cultural Council for Flanders: Production of Public Art Property") dovetailed with a program of "Opnamen Uit Afrika" ("Recordings from Africa") & one of "Opnamen Uit Europa" ("Recordings from Europe")

One could speculate on the Colonialist-Apologist motives behind this whole enterprise, but in the end it's a stellar set, featuring two extended, otherwise unreleased pieces by the Alpha Brussels (see [CP 053-085-138 CD]) mainstays, and the two programs of Field Recordings are actually incredible (The "Uit Europa" has a few corkers; check the second sound-sample!)