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[CP 116 CD] Peter Bonello, Cecil Leuter; Electronic Tricks

Creel Pone

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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L’Illustration Musicale - more commonly known as simply “IM” - was a Parisian production library active during the early to mid 70s, during which they issued a couple-dozen titles by the cream of the crop: Eddie Warner, Johnny Hawksworth, Bernard “Black Devil” Fevre, Jacky Giordano, and the two guilty parties concerned here - Peter Bonello - aka Georges Teperino, aka Nino Nardini - & Roger Roger - his actual, real name, aka Cecil Leuter, Eric Swan, aka Archie Gun.

An honest-to-goodness “Split;” Teperino’s side is essentially 10 tracks of ring-modulated drum-kit jams, cut with wry little rhythm-box etudes & squiggly, a-synchronous Moog overlays that hit a great deal of my pleasure-centers, simultaneously. Roger finds his inner Ruth White, opening with some great, chiming, electric harpsichord figures & tape-echo before letting loose a bizarre array of “Functional” cues - there’s an “Exterior Shot” kind of thing, one of descending electronic “Dread”, "Suspense”, “Car Chase”, etc., none of which seem fully suited to their appointed bills.

Very cool little number - #101 by my count; nice that the various Mr. P.C. C.C. PTB’s have extended the offer / promise of the series - getting into some alternatingly “Out-There” & “Groovy” zones.