[CP 199.15 CD] John Watts; Report: Drug Addiction - A View From The Belly, The Music of John Watts
July 2022; for the 15th entrant in the 199.XX series, the C.P. P.T.B. have compiled two titles featuring the Avant-Electronic work of John Everett Watts, Jr.: his 1979 Serenus (see [CP 018 CD] more more Serenus goodness) "The Music Of John Watts Volume 1" collection (covering, largely, his Electro-Acoustic work in the interim years) presaged by an amazing 1972 "Scare You Straight" affair named "Report: Drug Addiction - A View From The Belly" on which Watts' apropos Arp gurgles score the grisly proceedings (couldn't resist giving you the full monty here; as sensible as it would have been to excised the abstract synth miniatures from the whole, TBH the audio documentation aspect is easily one of the most transgressive aspect here, rife with strung-out teenagers cursing out their parents, etc.)
Keep en ligne w/ other, recent 199.XX's, this is being offered at the "Incentive" 2-discs-for-the-price-of-1 point; enjoy!